Happy Lunar New Year! Happy Lunar New Year!

Jewellery Care

The Beauty of Nonreactive Precious Metals

The Beauty of Nonreactive Precious Metals

Many people believe that jewellery should be durable and able to withstand being worn everyday, without thought or removal.  To a certain extent, this can be true.  Gold and Platinum are quite durable and nonreactive.   They are often used in medical devices and implanted inside the human body, without fear of corrosion.  Gold is also used in dental work, where it is more resistant to cracking and wear than its porcelain and ceramic counterparts, but in this situation, your gold filling, won’t come into contact with something of a greater hardness, like stainless steel, or titanium for example, at least not with great force, and if it does, well, you will definitely have greater things to worry about than the condition of your filling.  Our hands however, are a different story, they grip, pull, catch, hold, lift, and touch a number of items and chemicals throughout a day.  As your rings come into contact with materials of greater hardness, your gems and metal can scratch, indent, and/or break.   Chemicals can break down some of the materials found in solder, making the connections weak and potentially causing junction points such as settings to break off. 
  • I recommend removing your rings before
  • Doing a messy jobs, such as dishes, food prep and gardening, just imagine the gunk build up 
  • Coming into contact with chemicals.  This includes chlorine and common household cleaners such as bleach 
  • Strenuous activities or heavy lifting, such as moving furniture
  • Handling steel with force, shovels with steel handles, weights and bars, swinging in playgrounds, pulling a cart etc.
  • activities where the possibility of finger injury is greater, such as sports, or construction

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